
30 Eylül 2014 Salı

Remove "From" Box from BILaunchPad - Schedule your Report


Today, I will be writing about scheduled reports - removing from section on Business Objects 4.1.

First of all, logon to your Business Objects server, and stop Tomcat on Central Configuration Manager 

When you stop Tomcat, users will not be able to connect web services. (BI, CMC etc)

Create a copy of file, which is located in

\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEBINF\config\default
Original file will not be changed.  We will be working on the copy of the file.

Open the file in notepad and find the line below :

# Shared Destination From Field.  Enables or Disables the From field when scheduling a object to a destination.  When the value is set to false the From field will not be rendered and the system will first attempt to get the email value from the report default, if report default is not available it will attempt to get the value from the email address on user profile of the logged on user and lastly if the user profile email address in not available it will use the job server default SMTPFrom=true

If you change it to SMTPFrom=false , users will not see "From" box when they schedule their report.

You can manage the default from e-mail address through CMC - Adaptive Job Server.
With this configuration, users will receive the scheduled reports from a single e-mail address.

When you finish your work on, copy the file to
Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEBINF\config\costum

To make your changes stable, also copy file to
Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\warfiles\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\costum
If you don't copy the file under warfiles, your changes will be lost after a SP - FP upgrade, and the system will be back to default settings.

When you are done with file run Wdeploy.
I prefer to delete Catalina folder and restart Tomcat. You can find Catalina folder under
Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat\work

Catalina folder will be recreated, and it may take sometime.  Usually, folder size is near 1,35 GB.  It depends on the system components.  For example, if you install SAP Explorer on your system, the file size will be increased.

Please reach me from my e-mail address if you have any questions.

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